How To Grow Hemp For CBD

How To Grow Hemp For CBD

In a rush to go to market since legalization keeps increasing, many farmers are cutting corners when it comes to farming hemp responsibly and in a way that’s scalable for the long-term. Ultimately, this can lead to a compromise in overall CBD product quality.  Farming...
What Quality Processing and Extraction Means for Hemp Farmers Today

Hemp: One Plant, Many Uses

For 10,000 years, hemp has been an agricultural staple across different cultures and for a variety of purposes. When cannabis was made illegal in the 1930s, the US banned hemp production. However, with the changes that came out of the 2018 Farm Bill, the plant has...
How To Grow Hemp For CBD

Hemp: So Much More Than CBD

In recent years, hemp has emerged as one of the most promising agricultural investments. With a variety of uses and a recent change in legislation legalizing its production, hemp has attracted investors from all over the country. Continue reading to find out why hemp:...
What Kind of Hemp Makes Great CBD?

What Kind of Hemp Makes Great CBD?

Just like any other plant, not all hemp is grown equal. When you’re at the local farmer’s market checking out flowers, you can always tell that the plants have been well-tended to, responsibly grown, and treated without pesticides. But understanding how to apply that...

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