Green Corner Store

At The Green Corner Store, we are committed to carrying quality products that make our lives and the lives of our neighbors greener, safer, and healthier. It is our joy to support local makers, artisans, and micro-businesses in bringing their honey, handmade books, mugs, and more to market where a storefront might otherwise be inaccessible.

We believe that creating a market for local production and sustainably-sourced products is vital to a healthy, happy, and empowered community. However, this isn’t all we do; we also create the space for community members to engage in important discussions surrounding sustainability principles that affect our community as a whole. We help build connections between like-minded people and offer a venue for workshops, community meetings, and events.

Q: Can you give us a brief history of the Green Corner Store and what inspired you to open shop? 

A: About 10 years ago, I was facilitating group study in sustainable practices to care for the earth and often recommended products people could use in their daily lives to live greener. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any place in Central Arkansas to refer people to buy them, so since my previous career was in retail, I decided to open a store to continue to educate people and showcase products that were healthier, safer and better for the environment.   

Q: What first interested you in carrying CBD products? 

A: I wanted more options in our health and wellness department and CBD was a new category in the natural products division that was growing and that intrigued me. We love introducing new concepts to our customers. Testimonials from people who had been using CBD were convincing. 

 Q: How did you first discover Tree of Life Seeds CBD products? 

A: I didn’t know about it until Brian came into my store with some information. I’m so glad he approached me to carry the line! 

 Q: What has your experience been like selling our products? 

A: Our customers are looking for a way to care for themselves before taking prescription medications that often have negative side effects. We are proud to be able to provide that for them. Our customers have also found CBD products to be effective. We know they are satisfied because they continue to come back for more. 

Q: How would you describe the Green Corner Store in three words? 

A: Local, Sustainable and Organic. 

Q: What is the most popular product in our line with your customers? 

A: The Full-Spectrum PCR Hemp Oil CBD Drops, especially in Lemon. 

Q: What has your experience been like working with the Tree of Life Seeds team? 

A: They have given us outstanding customer service. They have always gone above and beyond to respond quickly to each and every request or question we’ve had. They are great to work with on promotions and helping to educate our staff. 

Q: How does the Green Corner Store go above and beyond for their customers? 

A: We do our best each and every day to care for our customers as we wish to be treated by being friendly, accommodating, and informative. We are ready to rise to the occasion if they have a special request or need extra information about a product or service. We strive to “make our customers’ day” anytime they come in – from helping them find the perfect Arkansas-made gift to crafting exquisite teas for them. 

Q: How do you spend your free time? 

A: What’s that?  ust kidding, but seriously, I like to meet up with friends to go out to eat or enjoy a live concert at South on Main. I would love to spend more time reading, cooking and getting outdoors. 

Q: What inspires you most in life? 

A: I am inspired by the wonder of nature, great thought leaders and innovators, and all forms of creativity (visual art, literature, films, and music).  

Q: What do you like most about working in the SOMA neighborhood? 

A: The camaraderie with the other business owners and employees. Everyone is friendly, supportive, and although we all have a different focus with our individual businesses, we work together to promote what our entire area offers to residents and tourists. One of our most popular events is the Arkansas Cornbread Festival. This year it will be on Saturday, Oct. 27th. Last year we launched a new website,, which highlights the unique dining, shopping and entertainment options in our neighborhood.  



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