CBD Routines for Different Lifestyles

There’s something to be said about acting on that feeling of inspiration you get in January. After all, those New Year’s resolutions happen time and time again for a good reason. Whether your goals for 2020 were about your wellness, career goals, or something creative, there’s a chance that you’ve asked yourself the following question: how do I get it done?

CBD and Your Lifestyle: What About it?

When it comes to introducing CBD to your lifestyle, there’s a treasure trove of information that you’ve likely seen about all the benefits these kinds of products have. Focus, mental clarity and a general feeling of improved mind-body balance are just a few of the benefits you may see from adding CBD to your daily routine. So, when it comes to accomplishing your 2020 goals, let CBD products be the new partner in crime (the good kind) that gets you there. No matter the lifestyle, there’s a CBD oil option out there for you that will have you seizing the day every day of the week.

CBD Oil for the Working Professional

Early bird and up-and-at-‘em? If you’re the one that your friends always refer to as the go-getter, you’re the first to know that doing it all and keeping a refreshed and focus mind is never easy – and nothing gets in the way like pesky brain fog. Chances are the optimal CBD product for you will be one that helps clear it. 

 Working professionals who are usually on-the-go should look towards CBD products that can be consumed orally and discreetly. Start by pairing a CBD softgel with your morning coffee to improve focus throughout the day, and treat yourself to CBD chocolate in the evening to help you wind down from the workday’s stresses.

CBD for Getting in Shape

Okay, fine – so you’re the one that actually makes it to the gym past January. We’re very, very impressed. Jokes aside, if you lead an active lifestyle that regularly places you and your body at a state of physical exertion – no matter the level – there’s a high likelihood that CBD can help you conquer some of those inevitable aches and pains that come as a result of exercise. 

When choosing a CBD product for an active lifestyle, focus on finding a product that has the best results when applied to specific pain points. CBD topicals, such as balms and creams, are an excellent choice because they’re made to target problematic areas through nano-emulsification, a process in which CBD molecules are absorbed at their most broken down, smallest level.

CBD Oil for the Aging User

Just because you’re no longer staying out until the wee hours of the night doesn’t mean you’re not interested in grabbing the bull by its horns in your day-to-day life. Remaining calm as you get through the day is just as important, and CBDOrigins notes that “by interacting with the receptors involved in regulating our mood (such as the Serotonin and Adenosine receptors), CBD can alleviate stress, calm the mind, and improve cognitive functions.”

Adding CBD to your daily routine doesn’t need to be complicated: merely adding a CBD oil capsule to your morning vitamin stack is a tried and true way of getting into the habit. If softgels aren’t for you, you can easily measure out your desired amount using a tincture and take it under your tongue or add the CBD oil to your favorite smoothie or tea. 

General and Preventative CBD

Finding a CBD routine that works for your lifestyle is entirely up to you, but there’s also something to be said about the effectiveness of microdosing CBD.

By taking small amounts of CBD multiple times a day throughout a prolonged amount of time, you become able to build up your body’s bioaccumulation to the cannabinoid, and thus, you can benefit from its effects in the long run. Studies have shown that microdosing CBD has been reported to provide consumers with lasting relief and improved focus, as well as help with symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum of your work-life-activity balance, it’s generally a good practice to make CBD work for you and your lifestyle. Microdosing CBD is an excellent way of integrating CBD oil into your more long-term routine.


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