M&M Landscape Expands to Grow Industrial Hemp

M&M Landscape and Lawn, Inc., is excited to announce its newest business venture. Since 1994, M&M Landscape and Lawn, Inc., has offered quality design/build, lawn maintenance, irrigation service, patio, retaining walls, low voltage lighting, greenhouse production, and garden center services. All these areas make the business model that has provided for our family since 1994 when we incorporated and entered in full time, self-employed business. We are excited to announce another facet to our current business ventures.

We are currently in the process of rebuilding our greenhouse production facility to produce industrial hemp clones. A need that we believe the market will respond to, given the recent activity at the Federal Government level via the passage of the 2018 farm bill which made hemp completely legal at the federal and state levels.

Our interest in industrial hemp developed as a result of the Arkansas State Plant Board mandated that hemp seeds or clones be sourced and planted in Arkansas. As an Arkansas company with many years’ experience in cutting and growing plant clones, we felt this would be a natural addition to our business model.

We intend to retain our focus as landscape and horticultural professionals, maintaining our dedication to customer service and the personal approach to business by both ourselves and our staff at M&M Landscape and Lawn Greenhouses. We have never been a “one man show” although at times it was just Jeff and Linda trying to do it all. Our employees are one of the many reasons this business has withstood the obstacles that often take small business out of the picture. It is our commitment to continue to offer all our employees our appreciation by providing a good workplace environment, a steady paycheck, along with the security of future employment.

Please know we desire that each of our customers and friends join us in celebrating this opportunity. We have entered into partnership with leaders in hemp industry, Tree of Life Seeds, LLC, a national leader in the industrial hemp market and Arkansas’ only licensed provider of hemp genetics, who will provide the specifics genetics that we will propagate. For those who are unfamiliar with hemp, hemp is defined as Cannabis Sativa with less than 0.3-percent of THC. THC is the substance in the plant that is currently classified by the federal government as a schedule one narcotic, above cocaine and methamphetamine! The hemp plants we will provide are to be grown by farmers for the extraction of the CBD or Cannabidiol used in medical grade CBD products as a safe and natural alternative to many pharmaceutical approaches.

Over the years, we have had many ask what M&M stands for. Our response has varied, depending on the year we were asked. However, the one definition that seems to have fit is McAnally & Mickle. It is ALL about family. Our oldest son, Clint Mickle, is a partner in this endeavor. He will bring his medical experience, holding a Master’s Degree in Public Health, to bear upon the business. Next, we have Tyler McAnally our middle son. While his involvement in the business is limited, his passion for healing and his knowledge as a Physician Assistant in family practice will serve as a sounding board towards our goal — offering healthy alternatives to the current Opioid based treatment programs.

As for the future of M&M Landscape, the company that evolved from “Mac’s Lawn Care” which Jeff McAnally started in 1986, our youngest son, Aaron McAnally, will be responsible for the day-to-day work of the landscape aspect of the company, with support and assistance from Jeff as estimator and a design consultant. Aaron has literally grown up in the business, working alongside Jeff whenever he was out of school. His formal education as a graduate of Melbourne High School, along with his collegiate training, receiving his Arkansas Certified Nursery & Landscape Professional Certification ta 20 years old, will carry this work forward!

We, as a family, have been blessed by almighty God! We simply believe that we owe any success to God and as Christians, we look the holy scripture for our guidance. 1 Peter 3:15 declares that we should always be ready to give a defense, a reason for the hope that is within us, when ask, having a good conscience. Doing so with gentleness and respect. By doing so we honor Christ as holy. If you are interested in farming industrial hemp, you can access the Arkansas State Plant Board’s website at www.aad.Arkansas.gov/Arkansas-State-plant-board

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